
Choosing the right lawyer may very well mean the difference between a case that is approved and one that is denied. Throughout 12 long pages of forms and applications, mistakes and faults are inevitable.

Though it may seem that most do not need to hire lawyers for citizenship applications, there are simply too many ways a lawful permanent resident may not qualify for citizenship. Arrests and inconsistencies in previous immigration applications have resulted in denied citizenship applications. Cho Law will ensure that your transition to naturalization will be flawless.

Check Eligibility to get started with your process.

If you...

  • Are at least 18 years old
  • Are a Permanent Resident of the United States, and have been issued a Permanent Resident Card (formerly called Alien Registration Card)
  • Are a person of good moral character
  • Can speak, read, and write basic English
  • Understand and are willing to take an oath of allegiance to the United States may be eligible to apply for citizenship. Reach out to us to figure out what your next steps should be, even if some of the above do not apply to you.

Take the first step

Everyone situation is different. We take a specific, personalized approach to our clients' cases to ensure that all possible outcomes and scenarios are accounted for. Check out our CONTACT page for more information about consultations.

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